October Hawaii Patients Union Meeting

Special Mahalos to our presenters, Roger Christie, Eric “Drake” Weinert and Jeff Pollock for great information for patients.

Lots of information exchanged. Roger Christie opened the meeting up, hearts first and provided insights into what economic freedom could mean for Hawaii. A lingering thought… 1.6 billion dollars worth of Cannabis eradicated in the nineties by our local, state and federal governments. Roger has been a leader in this area for decades and learning how Cannabis played a role in our island’s history was mind-blowing. A video of Roger’s presentation will be appearing on his THC Ministries website post-editing.

Eric Weinert shined the light on Korean Natural Farming (KNF) for Cannabis. From fermented plant juices to Lacto Bacillus Recipes and other fungus among us. Really great primer on the need and opportunity to farm Cannabis with KNF techniques. Buy his book of KNF recipes. Really informative for patients or folks growing for patients who rely on Cannabis medicine. Contact Drake to learn how you can help save agricultural by moving away from petroleum based, synthetic chemicals for food and medicine.

A few compliance questions came up creating a perfect segue into Jeff Pollacks 10 minute presentation on legal insurance. His business for the last 12 years has been helping people connect with affordable legal services through Legal Shield. We learned the importance of having an attorney you can call, on the spot when a compliance check occurs. Or for any charge made against you. It’s not enough to win in court, the goal every patient should focus on is “staying out of court.” Legal services from a reputable law firm costs less than a cup of coffee using Legal Shield.

A general theme emerged among all presenters. Each mentioned natural law in the context of our natural rights to plant-based medicines.

For the organization we raised $61.00 in donations. Mahalo a nui loa for all you beautiful, sharing, giving people. We love you!

October Agenda (Meeting pau – Next Meeting Nov. 2nd)

Hawaii Innovation Center at Hilo Directions
117 Keawe Street, Hilo, Hi 96720


Free to Members

Suggested donation for non-members, $5-$10 (no one is turned away)

Join us! Become a member or just come spend a couple hours with us on the next Aloha First Friday.

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Hawaii Patients Union