Requesting Conversation with interim DOH Director Elizabeth Char on Behalf of Patients in Hawaii

Dr. Clifton Otto has penned a new letter to DOH interim Director Elizabeth Char regarding her first day and “comments at the Governor’s Press Conference yesterday during your first day as director of the Department of Health (DOH).” Please take a moment to read the letter. Dr-Otto Requesting conversation with Dr. Elizabeth Char 17Sep20
Letters to Interim DOH Director Elizabeth Char and Deputy Director Tomiyasu

Dr. Clifton Otto from Cannabis Healthcare Hawaii recently reached out to the Hawaii State Department of Health Director, Elizabeth Char on behalf of patients. The letter, is introductory in nature and an olive branch to the DOH in hopes of cultivating communication between the DOH and patient advocates. Please read the letter and send your […]
Encouraging a a Federal Exemption for Hawaii’s Medical Cannabis Program

The following is a letter authored by Dr. Clifton Otto to Senate President Kouchi encouraging “Senate leadership to re-evaluate its position on the strategy of obtaining a federal exemption for our Medical Cannabis Program as a way to eliminate the discrimination that our patients and dispensaries are facing as a result of having to participate […]
Medical Cannabis Day 2020 Proclamations
Medical Cannabis Day is June 14th in Hawaii. Our Medical Cannabis Day champion is Dr. Clifton Otto. His work over the last two years to achieve recognition for patients with debilitating conditions who are licensed to use Cannabis has been exemplary to say the least. Dr. Otto spends his own money and a substantial amount of […]
Event Details Hawaii Medical Cannabis Day 2020–sM Announcement – Medical Cannabis Day in Hawaii Let’s join together in gratitude for the many accomplishments that have lead to more patients receiving Cannabis medicine. We want to hear your stories with Cannabis medicine. We want to hear medical and industry professionals stories from the front lines. Essential and critical work to help ensure […]
Governor Ige Stops New Patients from Becoming Certified by Doctors
Hundreds of potential patients across Hawai‘i are asking how they can become certified to purchase medicinal marijuana while the state rests under the cloud of the coronavirus pandemic. The answer is — they can’t. On March 23, 2020, Hawai‘i Gov. David Ige issued Executive Order 20-01, which suspended part of the state’s controlled substance law […]
Stanton Oshiro = Hero.
Mike Ruggles was ready for court before he was arrested. He was continually denied a speedy trial. After four years, neither law enforcement or prosecutors were prepared. As you might imagine, the courts are busy. With ten percent of our island population (some say more) consuming Cannabis it must be tough to arrest everyone. Over […]
Hawaii Cannabis Awareness Conference Booths
Come meet us at the Third Annual Hawaii Cannabis Awareness Conference. We have two VIP booths on the trade show floor. We’re looking for donations to secure this large, 8×16 space. Choose entrance or stage side. Contact the Hawaii Patients Union for details.
Medical Cannabis Day in Hawaii is June 14th
June 14th, 2000 is the day then Governor Benjamin Cayetano signed a bill into law forever changing the rights of patients in Hawaii. Patients continue to suffer in many ways but on June 14th we’ll celebrate the day that set everything into motion. SB0862 SD2 HD1 (HSCR 1319-00) 228 RELATING TO MEDICAL USE OF MARIJUANA. […]
Aloha Veterans Day

Mahalo a Nui Loa to all Hawaii Veterans for your contributions to society, business and our greater good. We appreciate your services and sacrifices to help keep and protect our freedoms. We’d also like to thank the thousands of Veterans Groups around the world that support Veterans who benefit from Cannabis medicine. Today is a […]